Album Artwork
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I come from the prairies of Nebraska
My Mother was born in a sod house
My Father sent signals across the sea of grass
I try to do the same
Like a Sandstorm Butte,
these songs belong to now and then,
Tempered by fifteen years of endless highways,
Born on the Open Spaces, Prairie Winds
Tom May - 12 and 6-string Guitars, Lead and Harmony Vocals, High String Guitars and Pennywhistle
Buck Weyerman - Drums
Moira Reilly - Harmony Vocals
Paddy O'Brien - Button Accordian
Doug Pennington - Concert Bass Drum
Debbt Greenblatt - Fiddle, Mandolin
David Seay - Harmonica, Sioux Flute
Barney Moss - Dobro
Mike Wallace - Harmony Vocals
Gary Morris - 2nd Violin on "Indian Summer"
Produced by: Clete Baker
Engineered by: Steve Ozaydin
Released: 1986 Vignette Productions
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